Monday, July 17, 2017

Lying Low in High Season

Work's been pretty crazy since the summer break, and that has killed off many of the opportunities to go trying new whiskies. That's quite a downer. The upside is, my backlog will not be piling up as quickly, giving me some time to clear stuff...

And, without further ado, 2 whiskies today. A lowlander, the Glenkinchie 12, and a rare (and weird) Bowmore.

Glenkinchie 12 (abv 40%)

Colour - Colouring added, so you know what to expect.

Nose - Mm. Slightly floral, but not overly so. Digestive biscuits. A little jam...strawberry jam? Fig jam? Yea, those are quire different. Citrusy, basically. Some vanilla, but not very big.

Palate - A little malty, some oak and pencil shavings. Some oatmeal biscuits this time. Sweet on brown sugar.

Finish - Fairly short...a little spice from the wood, some oak tannin, and a little drying...maybe the colouring speaking here...

Overall - This was the first whisky in the tasting session I conducted (I'm not noob, not the audience). Good whisky to start a tasting session with - light, uncomplicated, but definitely on the pleasant side without entirely slipping into being nondescript.

Bowmore 8 years 'The Octave' by Duncan Taylor (abv 46%)

This, is what it looks like.

Nose - Strong whiffs of paraffin and perfume. Oopsies. Was this from one of Bowmore's weird years? Some oak, and a bit of smoke...that'll be smoked seaweed, I think. A little tingly on the nose too.

Palate - Mm. I don't like this very much. Characteristic Bowmore smoke, yes. But, the paraffin notes get a bit soapy here. A little floral and perfumed. Pencil shavings. Slightly savoury, Cured fish. Mm. Not my favourite.

Finish - Not very long, but oaky, slightly spicy, oily.

Overall - Hmm. Not my favourite Bowmore ever. But, it was $70 at La Maison's sale, so...I guess you get what you pay for?

Anyhows, odd tasting notes at the back of the bottle. "Before" and "after" referring to...before and after the re-casking/finishing? Not the most conventional way, but I guess if you're selling the series on its recasking, that's one way to do things...

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